AI Simplified: A Beginner’s Guide

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming our daily lives, careers, and interactions with the outside world. Artificial Intelligence is permeating every aspect of our lives, from voice assistants like Alexa and Siri to Netflix and Amazon’s recommendation systems. But what precisely is artificial intelligence, and how can newcomers begin to grasp and utilise this potent technology? We’ll simplify and make the fundamentals of artificial intelligence easily understandable in this guide.

What is AI?

Artificial Intelligence is essentially the simulation of human intelligence in machines. These devices are designed to think and learn like people do, using data to inform their judgements.

Key AI Concepts

Prior to utilising AI, it’s critical to comprehend the following fundamental ideas:

  • Machine Learning (ML): Machine learning, a branch of artificial intelligence, is the process of teaching algorithms to analyse and forecast data. Imagine it as instructing a computer to identify trends and reach conclusions.
  • Deep Learning: Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that analyses different aspects of data using many-layered neural networks, hence the name “deep.” Numerous AI innovations, including sophisticated picture recognition and self-driving cars, are made possible by this technology.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): The ability of a computer software to comprehend written and spoken human language. Voice assistants and chatbots are powered by it.


Entopy’s micromodel approach

 Many companies are focusing on building bigger, more complex AI models which essentially means adding more features (or in simple terms, data inputs) into a model and using increased computational power to build more sophisticated models.

Unlike those companies, Entopy is not focusing on building bigger and more complex models. Instead, it is focused on deploying many smaller but more focused AI models and creating a network of models to solve complex problems.

The approach means that AI models can be more specifically tailored to specific problems, using relevant techniques and approaches and trained on a more focused dataset. The approach also enables greater transparency to users as to how recommendations have been derived and allows more scrutiny of model performance by development teams to ensure high accuracy/performance.

Furthermore, it means the AI models which will deliver probability based predictive outputs, can be combined with other data feeds such as IoT sensors that contribute deterministic data, enabling more dynamic intelligence to be delivered.


How to Get Started with AI

  • Learn the Fundamentals: Begin with comprehending the fundamental ideas of deep learning, ML, and AI. Online courses and resources are widely available for free.
  • Practical Application: Practice creating and executing AI models by using tools like Kaggle or Google’s Colab. These services offer sophisticated tools and datasets for free.
  • Join Communities: Participate in local meetups, GitHub, Reddit, and other AI groups. Gaining knowledge from others might speed up your comprehension and yield insightful information.
  • Working on Initiatives: Take it slow and work on basic AI projects to start. Advance to increasingly challenging issues as your confidence grows. The greatest approach to learn AI is through practical projects.


Although AI may appear complicated, anyone can begin studying and using this revolutionary technology with a systematic approach. You’ll learn about AI’s enormous potential and the fascinating opportunities it offers as you learn more about it. AI offers an exciting voyage of exploration and invention, whether your goal is to further your profession, develop creative solutions, or simply pique your curiosity.